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IDatabase interface

Shared interface for interacting with a Surreal database instance

public interface IDatabase : IDisposable


name description
Authenticate(…) Authenticates the current connection with a JWT token.
Change(…) Modifies all records in a table, or a specific record, in the database.
Close(…) Closes the open connection the the Surreal database.
Create(…) Creates a record in the database.
Delete(…) Deletes all records in a table, or a specific record, from the database.
GetConfig() Returns a copy of the current configuration.
Info(…) Retrieves the current session information.
Invalidate(…) Invalidates the authentication for the current connection.
Let(…) Assigns a value as a parameter for this connection.
Modify(…) Applies JSON Patch changes to all records, or a specific record, in the database.
Open(…) Opens the connection to a Surreal database instance using the provided configuration. Configures the client with all applicable settings. (2 methods)
Query(…) Runs a set of SurrealQL statements against the database.
Select(…) Selects all records in a table, or a specific record, from the database.
Signin<TRequest>(…) Signs in to a specific authentication scope.
Signup<TRequest>(…) Signs up to a specific authentication scope.
Update(…) Updates all records in a table, or a specific record, in the database.
Use(…) Switch to a specific namespace and database.

See Also