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TimeParsers class

public static class TimeParsers

Public Members

name description
static AnyTimeSpan { get; }
static Float { get; }
static IsoDate { get; } Parses any ISO8601 like DateOnly {year}-{month}-{day}
static IsoDateTimeOffset { get; } Parses any ISO8601 DateTimeOffset {year}-{month}-{day}T{hour}:{minute}:{second}{offset}, where {offset} is (Z)|([+-]\d+(\:?\d+)?)
static IsoTime { get; } Parses any ISO8601 like TimeOnly {hour}:{minute}:{second}.{fraction}
static IsoTimeFraction { get; } Parses any ISo8601 like time fraction into ticks. A tick is 10us, that is a 7 digit fraction. The fraction is multiplied by 7 then divided by the number of digits.
static IsoTimeSpan { get; } Parses any ISO8601 like TimeSpan {sign}{hour}:{minute}:{second}.{fraction} Where {sign} is [+-]?.
static SpecificTimeSpan { get; } Parses a time span from a set of specific time unit tuples, e.g. 1h, 59m, 19s, 1ms Valid units are: day := d, hour := h, minute := m, second := s, milliseconds := ms, microseconds := us |µs, nanoseconds := ns, ticks := ticks | <empty>
static Alt<T>(…) Applies all parsers on the same input, greedily returns the best result.
static Combine(…)
static Combine<T1,T2>(…)
static Combine<T1,T2,T3>(…)
static Flatten<T1,T2,T3>(…)

See Also